
As you can see I don't write often, or as often as some may. My Mac is a bit outdated and so blogging can be a bit of a challange. I also find that I am a little spent after working all day and then come home to a house full craziness. I will try to keep up as much as I can, I promise. So yesterday morning Matt and I rushed the kids off to the sitters house and managed to plow through the snow to down town Milwaukee to get our finger prints taken. We were so excited over the finger prints you would have thought were boarding the plane for Ethiopia right then and there. These finger prints were needed to do a background check on us and once all is cleared we should receive our letter from the government in a few months that will allows us to bring our child home. This past week many people received their referrals and many moved down the list of boys, girls and siblings. What a great Ehtiopian Christmas gift. The Ethiopian Christmas is celebrated on January 7th because they follow in a different calender year than we do. We did not receive our new numbers yet and our social worker e-mailed us last night to let us know that due to the large amount of referrals handed out this past week that she would have to call us on Monday. Because we are still high on the list I am okay to wait just hopeing for the referrals to kee p rolling in.
This whole journey thus far has been a roller coaster of emotions. I explained to Matt last night that I compare the emotions like you are cranking a Jack-N-The-Box and even though you know that the end result will be one of the greatest things that happen to you, you're nervous, scared and excited all at once.


Tisha Alexander said...

Welcome again to the listserv. I think our first 2 weeks waiting was the worst for me. I seem to have gotten into a grove, which I am thankful for. What ages did you specify?

Mandy said...

I came over to see your family from the AGCI list. It's nice to "meet" you. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! Things are really moving along...I am so proud of both of you..and so excited about welcoming a new baby into our loving family!! Please listen to the song BLESSED by Elton John..it will touch your heart..Love, MOM