What I have been reading
To pass the time away while we wait for our numbers to dwindle away I have been doing some reading. I can confess I am the world's worst to read a book from the front page to the back. If I do manage to read the entire thing it was because I had to for school back in the day and even then I would skip a page or two just to get to the end or a miracle happened and I was interested enough to carry though the entire book. I wonder where my 9 year old son gets it from. I love to read to my kids and I love to read for myself, it's just finding the time to sit down and read (for myself) without interruptions seems to be a task in itself. So ladies and gentlemen I can say I read this book in it's entirety. I loved the interviews that the author had with many different children. The children's comments were too cute. So if you haven't read this book yet you should defiantly consider picking it up. It gives great in sight of what race means to younger children.http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Im-Chocolate-Youre-Vanilla/Marguerite-Wright/e/9780787952341/
It's on my list to read...the books do really help time go pass!
I have the book - just haven't read it yet. It's in the pile of ones to read. Don't know when that'll happen!
Nope - didn't try the honey wine. I stuck to my american diet pepsi. :) Haha - I'm such a chicken!
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