

This was on the Current News on Ethiopian Abandonment Cases Blog

A summary of an update from a US agency:

An announcement is expected tomorrow, and we think the outcome is going to be positive. All the papers provided by the orphanages were found to be in order.

What in the H E double hockey sticks does this mean?

I am going to start a reality game show called: The Adoption Journey

Lets see how many people can go through adoption without loosing their minds, their wallets or their self control?


Tisha Alexander said...

I think that sounds like good news, right? I will keep praying!

Maria and Family said...

Sounds like it is going to be great news. hang in there...I know this is tough.

A.H. said...

I agree...I think it sounds like great news. I'll keep praying for your family and your little one. Yeah!

Margaret and Cordel said...

Contining to think of you and pray....I just read today that a US agency reported that the ban HAS been lifted..I PRAY that this is fact and that you have a court date before you know it!!